£5,000 and more: Anthony Joshua supported me in everything – Freezy MacBones

Finding a helper in a period of adversity is a miracle many people rarely find. From working as a mason, to a chef and now light-heavyweight fighter, UK-based Ghanaian boxer Seth Gyimah has endured different tales of life.

Freezy MacBones as he is affectionately known, left the shores of Ghana in 2012 in his bid to secure greener pastures. While immigration comes with its own struggles, MacBones did not give up on his dreams.

MacBones’ moment of glory came last weekend when he defeated Darryl Sharp in what was his second professional bout having turned pro just 6 years ago. His stunning performances coupled with his emotional post-bout interview have endeared him to the hearts of many.

The boxer in recounting his journey to fame disclosed he was neglected by his fellow countrymen upon arrival and his only support came from British boxing ace, Anthony Joshua.

MacBones speaks of his relationship with Joshua and calls him a “brother” who has been with him every step of the way.

“AJ is like a brother to me. He calls me every day, we talk a lot. AJ is a good guy, trust me,” MacBones told online portal Bigscount Media.

“One day I was contacted by one of his team members and they asked me if I wanted to turn pro. I responded yes and they said they will get back to me. A few days later, at dawn one day, I saw my phone buzzing and when I picked up, I realised it was AJ [Anthony Joshua] calling me. I screamed with elation and couldn’t believe what my eyes was seeing.

“During Christmas last year, he called me to wish me Merry Christmas and asked for my account number. I hesitated in giving him the account number initially and he called me two days later to remind me that he had requested my account number. I finally gave it to him and he sent me an amount of 5,000 pounds,” MacBones revealed.

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